Welcome to Class
Welcome to
"Creating a Culture of Writers"!
I'm so excited you are ready to take your instruction to the next level and engage your students in becoming authors!
Designing and implementing a writing program that creates an environment where authors express writing in a variety of venues while promoting a risk free environment is essential to develop writers who experience the "joy for writing".
This course is created for educators in public, private, and homeschool instructional contexts.
This course:
*outlines a framework to develop writer's skills and strategies;
*shares instructional strategies to teach writing for all learners;
*embeds opportunities for practice and reflection;
*provides guidance for your instructional context with resources;
*provides opportunities to reflect upon progress after each module;
*embeds opportunities for revising and improving instruction to support student's learning and achievement.
Whether you are a public, private, or homeschool teacher, I'm certain you find value and benefits from this extra measure of focused professional growth. These instructional strategies will quickly become your "go to strategies" to launch or jumpstart a successful year "Creating a Culture of Writers"!
If you have questions at any time, do not hesitate to contact me, Dr. Annette.