What to expect in this course

Your work towards demonstrating the indicators of an accomplished teacher will not look the same as your colleague. I know this; therefore, you can expect me to work with YOU. As your personal coach, we will work from where you ARE at this point in your career and begin challenging you to work towards level 4 - an exemplary accomplished teacher. After more reflection, together I will support you, pushing you outside of your comfort zone, trying new and innovative instructional strategies, and moving you towards demonstrating the work of an accomplished teaching. YOU can do this!

While you are on this journey, I want you to take time to journal your challenges, new ideas, and reflections. Do not hesitate to ask me questions, clarify information, bounce ideas, try new strategies, seek advice . . . anything you need. I am here to guide you and push you along YOUR journey. Together this will be an amazing adventure. One that you will look back upon and determine THIS as THE BEST professional development you've ever experienced.

Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to travel with you towards meeting your goals. It is my goal that together, we will work to help you achieve your goal to be the best educator YOU can be!!

~ Dr. Annette

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