Are you ready to increase student motivation, engagement, learning, and achievement?
I am very excited for you to get your hands on this resource that is perfect for engaging and motivating your learners to excel.
Let me ask you . . . do you have students who are not engaged in learning? Lack self-motivation to excel? Tell their parents they are "bored"? Then this is the resource for you! I hear you! I've been there and felt your struggle. I have discovered a key for success using technology as an instructional tool. As a result, I have compiled an annotated list of online learning resources that I have used in my general, flipped, and blended classroom over several years.
When using online learning resources, my students were more engaged, excited, and motivated to learn. As a result, their achievement soared.
Whether you are flipping your classroom, using technology for centers, or blending technology with more instruction, these are great resources to implement into your program. I've also included some bonus tips to help you save time with usage while navigating this resource.
So check over "Online Learning Resources to Boost and Accelerate Learning & Achievement", implement these resources, and be ready to hear and see success!
~ Dr. Annette
19 Online Learning Resources to Boost Learning & Achievement!
This resource features a variety of online sites to support learning across the entire curriculum. Your students will be motivated to learn causing a domino effect toward increased engagement, resulting in boosting student learning and achievement.
Technology. How does it impact your life? Do you see yourself using new technological innovations throughout the day? What innovations are yet to be created? How do you use technology to teach? Are your students safe when on the computer? How do you teach digital skills, so students know how to interact with others safely?
Learn more by viewing the Digital Citizenship video and my blog post, Digital Citizenship in a Digital World.
Link: Blog Post
Link: Video